Saturday, September 26, 2009

Weight Loss For Beginners

The key to permanently losing weight is simple: burn more calories than you consume! That's it! If your body is burning 2500 calories a day, you simply need to burn MORE than that in order for your body to start burning off your body fat.

But 2500 calories is a lot of calories!

Actually not really! Considering your body is burning calories 24 hours a day, 7 days a week just to maintain it's essential functions. That means while you're watching TV, playing video games, even SLEEPING your body is burning calories.

On average, a good estimate of total daily calories burned at rest can be determined by body weight x 15. So for a 150 pound male, 150 x 15 = 2250 calories. 2250 calories a day just sitting around! Imagine that!

But, before we get into anything too complicated, let's take a step back and take a look at some of the basics for maintaining a healthy body. Now, these are some of the most important, but unfortunately most overlooked aspects of losing weight and getting into shape.

Water: Yes, that's right, water. You should be drinking at least a gallon of water a day. Don't feel silly carrying around a full jug of water in the gym, it's extremely beneficial. Your body carries out thousands of processes using water, so you want to make sure that you're getting enough of it. It flushes out toxins, carries vitamins and nutrients throughout the blood, and also helps to reduce water retention. So drink up!

Vitamins: Taking your vitamins everyday is hands down the most important part of being healthy. A large majority of people do not get the amounts of vitamins and minerals they need, and getting all of the recommended amounts from food alone would result in eating a ridiculous amount. So, instead of cramming down plate after plate of food, just take a daily multi-vitamin instead!

Sleep: Just like most people don't get enough vitamins and minerals, a large majority of people don't get enough sleep either. Many people do not understand the benefits from constantly getting a solid 8-10 hours of sleep per night. Not only will you be energized throughout the day, but if you are lifting weights, sleep is essential to adding muscle. During sleep, your body releases growth hormones that aid your body in repairing muscles used during your workouts. So sip down a cup of warm milk (also a good source of protein) and hit the hay!

So now that we've gone over the basics, you're ready to tackle the 3 most valuable weapons in the battle of the bulge: Diet and Nutrition, Cardiovascular Exercise, and Weight Training. Just three more steps and you're ready to lose weight like you've always wanted to!

In order to successfully lose weight quickly and permanently, you need to get your diet in check. Weight loss is almost impossible without some adjustments to your diet. No need to fret. A diet isn't an ordeal to survive, it's a way to achieve that body you've always dreamed of. A diet is simply what you eat day in, day out. A diet isn't a temporary fix to a permanent problem. To successfully lose weight, you'll need to alter the way you eat. It's no wonder people who go on quick-fix diets often gain all the weight back (sometimes more). As harsh as it sounds, you need to change your relationship with food. But don't worry, with time, there are plenty of healthy foods out there that taste great and will still aid you in losing weight. And besides, after a while you'll really start to notice how much better you feel with a steady supply of nutrient rich foods going into your body. So let's get started!

For optimum performance and health, your body needs an adequate supply of healthy carbs, protein, and healthy fats. Here are some examples of each.

Healthy Carbs:


Brown Rice




Whole Wheat Bread

Beans (any kind will do)

All vegetables and fruits


Lean meats such as chicken, lowfat beef, fish, and turkey

Low Fat Milk

Low Fat Cottage Cheese

Canned Tuna Fish

Any whey or soy protein supplements

Healthy Fats:

Nuts (almonds, peanuts, walnuts)

Olive Oil

Flax Seed Oil


Natural Peanut Butter (also a good source of protein)

And now I'm sure some of you are wondering: "Wait, I thought carbs and fat were bad?". The answer, which may shock and appall you, is NO! Well, in some cases yes. Some carbs are bad (aka: sugar and processed junk) and some fats are bad (trans fats and most saturated fats). But good, complex carbs (such as oats, whole wheat products, veggies and fruits) are what your body thrives on. They are great for energy as well as heart health and maintaining a healthy. Healthy fats are good for the brain and the production of hormones as well as great for a healthy heart. DO NOT LISTEN TO THOSE FAD DIET EXPERTS WHO CLAIM THAT CARBS ARE THE ENEMY! THEY ARE W R O N G!!!

Now that we know what kinds of food to eat, the next logical question is "how much"? A simple rule of thumb for healthy weight loss is 10-12x your bodyweight in calories. So someone weighing 180bs would need to eat between 1800 and 2160 calories a day in order to lose weight. This ensures your body gets the nutrition it needs to stay healthy, but also taps into your fat stores to get you in the shape you want!

Cardiovascular exercise, or "cardio", as most people tend to call it, is a great way to burn some extra calories and lose weight. You see, anything that gets your heart rate elevated will cause your body to burn calories at a higher rate. The more calories you burn throughout the day, the more fat your body is capable of burning off and therefore the more weight you can lose.

It's no wonder marathon runners, swimmers, and most professional sports players are so slim and fit! They don't go a day without doing some kind of cardiovascular exercise for an extended period of time. In addition to the physical benefits of cardio (aka: WEIGHT LOSS) there are many mental benefits. Obviously losing weight and looking better will do wonders for your psyche, but it's also been proven that exercise in general releases serotonin, a powerful hormone that may be the closest thing to a "natural" anti-depression. It makes you feel great! It's easy to spot too, after you get done working out or doing a long jog, you'll instantly feel uplifted and just plain happy!

So throw on those running shoes and hit the pavement! Here are some fun ways to get your cardio...





Rock Climbing

Running Stairs

These fun activities will more than suffice to burn extra calories, which is your over all goal in the battle of the bulge. In addition to the calories that you'll burn while doing cardio, an added benefit is that your body will burn more calories throughout the day. An intense cardio session can cause your metabolism (the rate at which your body burns calories) to stay elevated for up to a day and a half! So while your sitting down watching TV, cooking dinner, or even sleeping, your body is burning calories faster and destroying the fat you've been dying to get rid of!

So you see, in the quest for losing weight and getting fit, cardiovascular exercise is an excellent tool. Not only do you get the benefits of burning calories, you also experience the effects of a raised metabolism up to 35 hours after the cardio session! You simply can't go wrong! Try to fit in a 20-30 minute cardio sessions 2-3 times a week to begin, and then once your body is ready step it up to 4-5 times a week.

And on a personal note, it's a great feeling once you've completed a long, grueling cardio session (such as a long jog, hike, or some quality time with the stairmaster). Just the feeling of being drenched in sweat, and the knowledge that you're a little less fat, and a little less closer to that body of your dreams than you were when you started your cardio. Great way to think of it, huh?

Many people shy away from this portion of the fitness journey, but weight lifting plays a key role in your body's ability to burn fat and lose weight. You see, muscle burns calories to maintain itself. A pound of muscle can burn between 30-50 calories a day. By lifting weights, thus adding muscle, you can greatly optimize your ability to burn calories and as we've discussed earlier burning extra calories is key to burning fat and losing weight.

It's a good idea not to try and overdo it when starting out. A first time lifter can experience soreness like they've never felt before. It's always good to find a balance between pushing yourself, and knowing your limits. So to start out, try lifting 2-3 times a week, giving your body adequate time to recover. Start doing full body workouts, utilizing all major muscles.

Let me just add one simple thing. If you're lifting weights hoping to add muscle, you're going need to have you diet in check. Muscles are made out of protein and water, so it should be common sense to incorporate many high protein foods (meats, milk, cottage cheese, etc...) in your daily diet.

However, it's hard (and not to mention expensive) to buy and eat all that food. That's why there are protein supplements! Protein bars and powders are a great way to get that extra amount of protein your muscles need to be big and strong! Just mix the powder with milk or water for a great protein drink. Protein bars are a great option for those of you with "on-the-go" lifestyles are don't have a lot of time to prepare and pack the meals you need. You can purchase them at nearly any grocery store or health food store. Purchasing online is a great advantage and will save you money!

Even if at first the soreness might turn you away from a vigorous weight lifting regiment, the long lasting benefits of lifting weights greatly outweigh the occasional soreness. Gaining muscle, losing fat, and gaining strength are just a few of the many benefits from pumping irons. Pretty soon, the rush of adrenaline you from lifting will lure you back to gym day after day! Weight lifting is key to success in achieving permanent weight loss, so grab a dumbbell or two and start lifting!

Well there you have it, you have a great start on the journey to weight loss and a better body! Good luck!


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Home Remedies for Menopause

Menopause is not a disease, but a new phase in an older woman’s life, it usually causes ovulation to cease and consequently menstruation stops. This natural progression in life starts many years before menopause symptoms actually begin to show. Hormone levels can fluctuate for several years before eventually becoming so low that the endometrium stays thin and does not bleed. Normally the ovaries start to slow the production of hormones like estrogen, testosterone and progesterone. Although estrogen is an important sex and reproductive hormone, it is also present in many non reproductive organs and the body uses estrogen for many other functions, like bone formation, heart, liver breast and bladder function, it is need as well to keep the skin moist and healthy, and to regulate body temperature.

Low estrogen levels causes changes in collagen production, affecting hair, nails, skin and tendons. The skin may become dryer, thinner, less elastic, more prone to bruising and skin itching may occur. The main symptoms of menopause are Hot flushes, Night sweats, Palpitations, Insomnia, Joint aches, Headaches, Vaginal dryness.
On the long run the shortage of estrogen contributes to developing heart disease, cardiovascular problems, osteoporosis, tooth decay, and a variety of vaginal complications.

The average age of the natural menopause is 51 years, but can occur much earlier or later. Menopause occurring before the age of 45 is called early menopause and before the age of 40 is premature menopause. Perimenopause is the stage from the beginning of menopausal symptoms to the postmenopause.

Postmenopause is the time following the last period, and is usually defined as more than 12 months with no periods in someone with intact ovaries, or immediately following surgery if the ovaries have been removed.

Complete symptom list:

Hot Flashes:
Our body’s thermostat is located in the hypothalamus are of the brain, which stops working properly if level of estrogen are not sufficient. This will cause you to experience extremely hot or cold sensations; sometimes you could feel so hot that you would want to strip your close in public while other people feel very comfortable with the temperature and other times you could feel shivering cold in 90 degrees F.

Sleep Problems:
It is not certain if estrogen have an effect on sleeping patterns, however other symptoms caused by estrogen deficiency could be culprit of sleep problems during and after menopause, irritability, hot flashes during the night. Hormone replacement has shown to improve insomnia and sleeping problems, but this could be related to the reduction of hot flushes, mood swings and irritability all of which are helped by increasing levels of estrogen.

Vaginal Dryness:
And inadequate vaginal lubrication can be a very disturbing for most women due to the pain, discomfort and sometimes bleeding experienced during sexual intercourse. Without estrogen

Aches and Pains:
One peculiar symptom of menopause is an increase in frequency of normal aches, such as, headaches, neck, joint and back pains are most common.

Bladder Problems:
Most women going through menopause complain of the following bladder problems, bladder infection, low bladder capacity, inability to contain urine, frequent urination. These problems start when bladder tissue becomes to be deprived of estrogen.

Skin Problems:

Our skin and collagen fibers are very sensitive to levels of estrogen, a hormone deficiency causes, dry, thinner and aging looking skin, irritation, and wrinkles.

Irritability, depression, personality changes and anxiety are very common during depression; these changes can carry a loss of sexual desire. Although these problems are related to the shortage of estrogen, some may be caused by the inability to cope with the psychological impact caused by all the other symptoms. Added to all this is the fact that in many cases women going through menopause might also be under a number of other stressful situations during this period. Things like teenage children, children moving out, aging parents and spouse’s mid-life crisis can also influence in the state of mind of menopausal women.

Many of the symptoms and discomforts experienced during menopause can be relieved by using natural home remedies, things like changing your diet and using some very specific herbs have shown remarkable improvements in women going through menopause.

We recommend

Home Remedies for menopause #1: To increase your levels of estrogen try increasing your consumption of plants which contain estrogenic substances:
Alfalfa, soybeans, soy sprouts, crushed flaxseeds, garlic, green beans, sesame seeds, wheat, yams, pumpkin seeds, cucumbers, corn, apples, anise seeds, cabbage, beets, olive oil, olives, papaya, oats, peas, sunflower seeds, are all important sources of natural estrogens and as you can imagine they are loaded with vitamins, fiber and minerals essential not only for menopause, but to maintain an overall good health.

Home Remedies for menopause #2: To reduce hot flashes:
Drink 8 glasses of steam-distilled water.
Take 800 mg. of evening primerose oil, three times a day.

Home Remedies for menopause #3: Hot Flashes Reducing tincture.
2 teaspoons of cohosh root tincture.
1 teaspoon of don quai root tincture.
1 teaspoon of sarsaparilla tincture.
1 teaspoon of licorice root tincture.
1 teaspoon of chaste tree tincture.
1 teaspoon ginseng root tincture.
Mix all the ingredients and take 3 dropperfuls a day.

Home Remedies for menopause #4:Toner for Dry Skin.
Toners are used to improve the appearance of the skin, to soothe and to nourish. Men can use toners as aftershaves.
2 ounces aloe vera gel.
2 ounces orange-blossom water.
1 tsp. wine vinegar.
6 drops rose geranium essential oil.
4 drops sandalwood essential oil.
1 drop chamomile essential oil. *
800 UI vitamin E oil. (Puncture a gel capsule with a needle)

Home Remedies for menopause #5: Cream for Dry Skin.
3/4 ounces beeswax, shaved. (do not use paraffin)
1 cup vegetable oil.
1 cup of distilled water.
800 IU vitamin E (from a liquid gel)
24 drops rose geranium essential oil.
Heat beeswax and oil in a pot until beeswax melts (it should be warm enough to the touch but without discomfort). In a separate pot heat water until is warm to the touch. Remove the center part of your blender’s lid and pour the water in. Turn the blender on high speed and slowly but steadily add the oil and wax mixture. The whole concoction should begin to solidify. Keep adding oil until the mixture does not take any more. Turn off the blender and using a spatula, place the cream in a wide mouthed container.

Home Remedies for menopause #6: Take 50mcg. of selenium 2,000 mg of vitamin C and 10 mg of beta-carotene, once a day to improve skin and help with vaginal dryness.

Home Remedies for menopause #7: Vaginal Dryness lotion
1 ounce of almond oil.
2 drops of geranium essential oil.
One capsule of 1,000 IU of Vitamin E.
Mix all the ingredients and apply inside and outside the vagina twice a day.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How does your immune system help you against the flu virus?

It seems as though everyone has been sent into a tizzy about the flu. With the current talk about the swine flu and its widespread out break everyone is trying to find the best way to deal with it. One of the largest areas of concern is in the school system. Children already have a weakened immune system because it has yet to mature and really create enough of an immunology to yield off any type of virus.

The United States government has set up a check list for all the highly contagious areas. The school system is one of them. Your child's immune system is much more susceptible to catching any type of cold or flu. In order to ensure that your child's immune system is safe while they are in school, the government has administered a list of how to be safe in a class room setting.

In order to prevent the spread of the flu, the government recommends the following:

1. Avoid spreading germs: you can help your self and help others to decrease the chance of getting lung infections by:

- wash your hands as often as possible. You should wash your hands in warm water with a generous amount of soap for at least twenty seconds.

- do not touch your eyes, nose, or ace unless you have washed your hands thoroughly.

- Always cover your mouth when you cough. It is best to cough into a tissue or a sleeve so as to avoid having your germs left on your hand.

- Try to avoid people who have a cold or the flu. This is particularly difficult for children in a classroom setting, but following the three pointers above should lessen your risk of contracting the flu this season. And if you are sick, avoid contact with others. This should be music to your child's ears, a day home from school! But make sure they use that time to get better. Their immune system will need plenty of time to recover from this virus which directly targets the main respiratory systems of the body. And do not send you child back to school unless he or she is feeling one hundred percent better. Your child is still considered contagious up to seven days after he or she feels the onset of symptoms.

Other ways to prevent the flu is to get the influenza vaccine. by getting the vaccine you are decreasing your chances of getting the flu. And there are quite a few different flu vaccines, so be sure you ask your caregiver which is the best for you. The vaccine will help to increase the amount of antibodies in your immune system. And the more antibodies you have, the more resistant your immune system will become so it can fight of the harmful virus.
If an outbreak is announced in your home town or city, avoid public places where people may be coming in and out of other cities. If you live in a town or city where there is an airport or other major transit operating systems, try to avoid taking mass transit for a week. At this point it will not matter how strong your immune system is, everyone will have to take extra precautions to ensure that you are very well protected against the swine flu.

In extreme circumstances, if an outbreak occurs wear protective breathing masks and wear them any time while out in public.

Also, to protect yourself from getting the swine flu, purchase supplements that provide support to your immune system.

Selenium is in fact known to help your immune system stabilize itself. Like anything else, there is no guarantee these supplements will in fact protect you from contracting the flu, but if you find yourself stricken with the swine flu, every little bit will help.

It is very important that you practice good health. Your immune system is purposely set up so that you can fight off harmful diseases and viruses. Without a strong enough immune system you will undoubtedly have a harder time getting over any sickness.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

De-Stress: Simple ways to improve your health

Deadlines, papers, exams, meetings — it’s enough to drive anyone insane. Even when doing what we love, stress can still take a toll on us. Once in a while we need to take time out and relax, regroup and restructure our lives. For some people, taking a walk through Colonial Williamsburg and sitting on a bench in front of the Governor’s Palace with a journal is the best way to relax. No matter what method you choose, de-stressing is a must at the College of William and Mary.

Stress, if it reaches a chronic level (even just a few hours of non-stop stressing) can lead to bodily deterioration. Stress increases cortisol levels, which stop your metabolism, increase food cravings and decrease your immune system, according to an article in Business Week Magazine called “Vander’s Human Physiology.” This response, which initially gave cavemen the quick burst of energy needed to run from a predator, can harmfully affect the body after a certain period of time. As a result, those with high levels of stress are more likely to contract illnesses, gain weight and have a higher risk of depression. Additionally, anxiety attacks, obesity and binging, decreased sexual performance, and even cancers in the long run are common side effects of stress.

One of the most effective ways to manage stress and cool down is to exercise. The Student Recreation Center offers a wide variety of activities, ranging from yogilates, Zumba, hip-hop and the climbing wall. While strengthening and conditioning may provide de-stressing benefits, for maximum health benefit cardiovascular exercises such as running, swimming and biking are most effective.

The releasing of mental stress physically through exercise has multiple other benefits. Exercise decreases the risk of depression and increases confidence, while the dilation of blood vessels and increase of blood flow has cardiovascular benefits such as a decrease in LDL cholesterol counts, an increase in good HDL cholesterol counts, a decrease in blood pressure and a decreased risk of heart disease according to the “Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology” by Robert S. Weinberg. Exercise helps boost your energy levels during the day, promotes better sleep and a better sex life.

Thirty minutes of exercise daily keeps stress levels at bay, gives you added health benefits and can help you from getting that dreaded freshman fifteen. Other daily behaviors to decrease stress levels include sleeping at least eight hours and eating the right foods. Tara Geise, a registered dietitian in Florida and spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, stated that there are 10 main stress-relieving foods:
BEEF: (organic and low-fat) is filled with B vitamins, iron and zinc, all of which contribute to stabilizing mood. Great to eat for dinner the night before a big test day.

Cottage Cheese with Fruit: the natural sugars in fruit, combined with the protein and calcium in the cottage cheese, are a stress-fighting combination. The vitamin C in fruit is an antioxidant that fights the free radicals released during stress, which can be harmful to the heart.

Almonds: contain vitamins B2, E, zinc and magnesium. Vitamin E, also found in these nuts, fights free radicals. Grab a handful to snack on between classes.

Tuna: a low-fat protein, which contains vitamins B6 and B1. Canned tuna makes a cheap lunch after hitting the gym.

Blueberries: rich in antioxidants, contain vitamin C and are a low-calorie snack.

Milk: believe it or not, milk is high in antioxidants (the organic kind), contains essential vitamins B2 and B12, protein and calcium. A glass every morning goes a long way.

Cornflakes or Rice cereal: provides B vitamins and folic acid to provide serotonin.

Asparagus: high in folic acid and B vitamins (both are used to make serotonin — a mood stabilizer).


Thursday, September 3, 2009

What is the Raw Food Diet?

The raw food diet is a diet based on unprocessed and uncooked plant foods, such as fresh fruit and vegetables, sprouts, seeds, nuts, grains, beans, nuts, dried fruit, and seaweed.

Heating food above 116 degrees F is believed to destroy enzymes in food that can assist in the digestion and absorption of food. Cooking is also thought to decrease the nutritional value and "life force" of food.

Typically, at least 75% of the diet must be living or raw.

What are the Benefits of the Raw Food Diet?
Proponents of the raw food diet believe it has numerous health benefits, including:

* Increased energy
* Improved skin appearance
* Better digestion
* Weight loss
* Reduced risk of heart disease

The raw food diet contains fewer trans fats and saturated fat than the typical Western diet. It is also low in sodium and high in potassium, magnesium, folate, fiber and health-promoting plant chemicals called phytochemicals.

These properties are associated with a reduced risk of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. For example, a study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that consumption of a raw food diet lowered plasma total cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations.

What are the Guidelines of the Raw Food Diet?
1. What can I eat?

Unprocessed, preferably organic, whole foods such as:

* Fresh fruits and vegetables
* Nuts
* Seeds
* Beans
* Grains
* Legumes
* Dried fruit
* Seaweed
* Unprocessed organic or natural foods
* Freshly juiced fruit and vegetables
* Purified water
* Young coconut milk

At least 75% of food consumed should not be heated over 116 degrees F.

2. What cooking techniques are used?

Specific cooking techniques make foods more digestible and add variety to the diet, including:

* Sprouting seeds, grains, and beans
* Juicing fruit and vegetables
* Soaking nuts and dried fruit
* Blending
* Dehydrating food

3. What equipment can I use?

* A dehydrator, a piece of equipment that blows air through food at a
temperature of less than 116 degrees F.
* A good-quality juice extractor for juicing fruit and vegetables
* A blender, food processor, or chopper to save time
* Large glass containers to soak and sprout seeds, grains, and beans
* Mason jars for storing sprouts and other food

Side Effects

Some people experience a detoxification reaction when they start the raw food diet, especially if their previous diet was rich in meat, sugar, and caffeine. Mild headaches, nausea, and cravings can occur but usually last for several days.


The raw food diet may not be appropriate for certain people, such as:

* Children
* Pregnant or nursing women
* People with anemia
* People at risk for osteoporosis - A Washington University study found that
people following a raw food diet had lower bone mass. Bone turnover rates,
however, were similar to the group that ate a standard American diet.

Considerable time, energy, and commitment is needed to be healthy on the raw food diet. Many of the foods are made from scratch. Some ingredients may be hard to find, such as Rejuvelac (the fermented liquid drained from sprouted grains), sprouted flour, date sugar, young coconut milk, carob powder and Celtic sea salt.
People must be aware that certain nutritional deficiencies can occur on the raw food diet, including:

* Calcium
* Iron
* B12 – The Journal of Nutrition study found that a raw food diet increased
levels of homocysteine due to vitamin B-12 deficiency.
* Protein
* Calories

Critics of the raw food diet say while it’s true that some enzymes are inactivated when food is heated, it doesn’t matter because the body uses its own enzymes for digestion. In addition, cooking makes certain phytochemicals easier to absorb, such as beta-carotene in carrots.

Another critique is that the human body has changed in response to eating cooked foods. Some of these changes are that are jaws and teeth have become smaller, our stomachs have shrunk, and our small intestines have grown longer, lengthening the digestive surface area.

According to other alternative diet theories, such as macrobiotics, Ayurveda, and traditional Chinese medicine, a raw-only diet may not be appropriate for people living in colder climates or for people with certain constitutional types.


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